Everything you need to run your business, beautifully


We have always been looking at new developments in the software market and following the introduction of Xero into the UK market, we have worked with them and have developed a strong understanding of this software. The key benefits we feel are that it enables us to have a much closer relationship with our clients due to its cloud base. This means that when a client phones up or emails, we can look at their up to date bookkeeping in a matter of seconds rather than having to wait to schedule a meeting to visit and pick up a backup, which by the time we have opened it and extracted the data another week could easily have passed and the issue escalated or no longer relevant. Xero’s key strength in this area is that it imports bank transactions directly from your online banking using a read only access, meaning no more keying in of bank statement lines and it uses all of the intelligent memory that you would expect from a computer package reducing the duplication and data entry time spent dramatically.


Log in online any time and see up-to-date business financials – from anywhere.


Xero imports and categorises your latest bank transactions. Simply click OK to reconcile.


Create professional recurring invoices and receive updates when they’re opened.


Handle personal expenses – just review and approve receipts. Take a photo of receipts from your mobile and it’s saved online.


It’s easy to pay your employees, reduce manual data entry and increase compliance with combined payroll and accounting.


Use Xero’s mobile apps to manage your business while you’re on the move. Reconcile, send invoices and create expense claims – from anywhere.

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